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Testimony Spotlight: A’idah’s Story

A’idah was indifferent to most religious matters but believed that the Virgin Mary should be adored.

When the war came, A’idah lost everything.  She fled with her son and found refuge in a one room apartment with no furniture. She and her son were on the verge of starving, when she decided to visit a church who handed out supplies.

For 18 months, A’idah went to the church weekly to receive food.  She refused to listen to the preaching, putting her fingers in her ears when she went in the sanctuary. Eventually, she stopped going in for the preaching at all, and would stand outside the church during the sermon, and only go in at the end, when the pastor handed out food.  Then one day, much to her chagrin, the church installed a screen outside of the building.  She hated seeing the pastor’s face on the screen but started listening to the words.  She felt the Holy Spirit stirring in her heart.  She describes an internal wrestling match, where she felt something pushing her to go in, but part of her really fought against it.  Finally, she went into the church, sat down, and began to really listen.

The pastor was preaching about blessings, and she heard for the first time how Jesus had died for her sins, so that she might believe in Him and receive the free gift of grace. When A’idah heard about grace, it felt as though someone had poured hot water all over her.  She says that in that moment, her life changed, and she gave herself to Jesus.  She prayed “Lord, I’m sorry. Because when I was crying for my house, I should have been crying for all the wasted time without you.”

A’idah’s family persecutes her, although friends have noted that she is completely different now.  One day, neighbors from her old neighborhood were visiting her.  They marveled at the change they saw in her, saying “How can this be? A’idah, you lived in a mansion and you were so unhappy, and now you only have one room and no belongings, and you are happy? Tell us why.” A’idah pulled out her bible and shared her testimony. She said “Taste and see the Lord is good. Blessed are those who find refuge in Him.”

A’idah is committed to visiting the sick and injured and testifying to Christ to everyone she meets. She believes that serving others is what makes someone great, and continues to pray for the rest of her family to come to faith.

Please continue praying for people like A’idah who gets to know the Lord Jesus Christ and surrender their lives to Him.  Also continue to pray for those faithful proclaimers of the gospel!