Our Ministry Spotlight for the month: Turkey

Turkey is one of the nations that has a significant Biblical reference. During one of his
missionary journeys Paul visited Ephesus in Turkey and stays in the city for approximately 3
Turkey is also known as the Other Holy Land as it has more Biblical sites than any other country
in the Middle East. History is full of reports of the influence of the gospel in Turkey.
Ananias House is involved in a variety of ministries in Turkey. We are training and equipping
leaders to disciple and minister the Word of God. Our purpose is to equip second and third
generation leaders and to establish a solid Word-based church where Christians can worship and
serve the Lord. Ananias House is also involved in the support of Biblical education and small
relief projects.
We believe that Turkey is on the breaking edge of experiencing a bigger and more powerful
movement of God. Despite the general notion, the news and the world’s view, we trust God for
a much bigger experience of His goodness, glory and power.
Please pray with us for the ministry in Turkey and for God to use the church as a light and
beacon of hope. Pray for revival and for God’s Spirit to move in Turkey on a level that is far
above what we can dream or pray for.