This is a letter from one of our Trainers on the field in Egypt.
Please continue to pray for all our workers in the field and for God’s purpose to prevail. We are instruments in the Hands of our Maker. At times things don’t happen as we planned, or at the speed we though it should, but we remember that we serve a Sovereign God and according to Romans 8:28 all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Update February 2019
Yes, my colleague and I are now safely back from Egypt. I highlight “safely” as our driver friend was easily clocking 100 miles an hour as he sped and weaved across the desert highway to our destination some three hours from Cairo. Fortunately, he got a speeding ticket that slowed him a little bit!
In addition, military were ever present at out retreat center…and on our return trip to Cairo we traveled under the watchful eyes of a military escort. All vivid reminders of why Egypt is ranked high among countries that persecute their Christian communities. So, we were grateful for their escort…and it helped to slow my friend’s driving!
A little over three years ago I had my first meeting with this group. They have now successfully completed many courses focused on strengthening their Biblical understanding, ministry abilities, and character development. All are facilitating courses to groups they lead…and have “caught” the vision of multiplying servant-leaders (II Tim 2:2).
I have felt for some time that a “next step” needed to be taken with them…if they so desired. This would be to help them develop an on-going training system that best serves their needs, is sustainable…and led by their leaders.
In several long discussions with the main leader about this possible next step, I expressed that I believed all the “ingredients” are there for this to become a reality. Will see over the next months if the leadership wants to take this “next step”? Right now, my plans are to hold one more seminar with them in early June.
All in His hands! Thank you for remembering these days.
His Always.