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July Prayer Requests:

As we read this month’s devotion on living a beautiful life, I can’t help but want to pray that God grants us the grace and perseverance to continue living a life that is ‘different’ from the lives around us.  A life that stands out.

Standing out doesn’t always imply easy-living.  Standing out means being different.  Choosing different, conducting myself different.  The King James translation talks of us as a ‘peculiar people’.

Titus 2:14 Who gave Himself for us; that He might redeem us from all iniquity; and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

While our first thoughts of the word peculiar are strange, it also means chosen, unique and selected.  God has chosen us for great and marvelous works.  Let us not become weary of being peculiar!  Let us not place so much emphasis of the opinion of the people around us, but let us stand up, stand firm and stand out for God!

Heavenly Lord,

We thank you that You have chosen us for bringing praises to You, thank You that we are lifted out of a dark world, into Your marvelous light.  Lord, use us as Your light.  Help to shine and draw people to You.

God, while we reach out to people in the MENA district, while it is our heart’s cry for them to may get to know you, help us to not forget those You have placed in our paths, whether in the Middle-East, South Africa, Egypt, Lebanon, or the neighbor living next to us, the Teacher educating our children, the assistant in the grocery store.

Help us to always do good, to always show love and to always be Jesus to the broken and shattered people around us.  Keep us on our knees Lord, keep our minds fixed on You.  Give us wisdom how to pray and what to pray.  Lord, give us a discerning spirit so we may see the need right where we are.

Teach us how to pray according to Your will Lord, teach us how to be okay with being peculiar.  Train us in Your ways.  Break our hearts for what breaks Yours.  Give us empathy and perseverance when we pray for the persecuted church.  Give us wisdom when we pray.  Help us to pray strategically.

Thank You that by Your grace, we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood.  Help us to live like we believe it.  Help us to walk and talk different than the world around us.  And Lord above all, help us to see things the way You see them.  Change our eyes God, that we may see You in everyone we meet.  And that we may intercede, morning day and night, knowing that we were chosen to lift to You, those who still need to meet You as their Lord and Savior.

May Your will be done, may Your Kingdom come.
