Around Valentine’s Day every year we hear ridiculous love songs.
“I would walk five-hundred miles
And I would walk five-hundred more,
To be the man who walked a thousand miles
To fall down at your door.”
Oh gag. Seriously? Have you ever walked 10 miles in a day? You’re gonna do that for 99 more days? Please. And furthermore, who needs a guy who has fallen at your door? What good is that?
These love songs always talk about going over mountains and swimming oceans to prove love. Again, really? I mean, that’s nice and everything, but here’s the real question: will you go to your in-law’s house for Christmas the next 30 years? Will you help do dishes for the next 50 years? How about changing an occasional diaper for the next 5 years?
No? Then what good is your love? You’re too busy walking miles and swimming oceans to be of any actual use.
We like to think that love is demonstrated by massive events, hugely sacrificial, momentous, arduous things that will never, ever occur in life. I’ve been married now for 23 years, I’ve not even crossed a pond for my wife, but I have done plenty of dishes and changed many diapers and gone to my in-law’s on many a Christmas.
I love my wife and my wife loves me. We don’t prove this by spectacular once in a lifetime events; it’s proved by a daily faithfulness and togetherness. It’s proved by a multitude of things no one would ever write a song about.
“I love you my dear,
Which I prove every year,
My love you know,
By how often I remove snow,
So you can back out the car,
To get another pickle jar,
That I will open for you,
Just like the last eighty-two.”
Not a good song, but a way better description of love.
God loves you. He doesn’t just talk about loving you either. He did showed His love in one massive event. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). But God’s love didn’t stop at a one time, strenuous act; God loves us continually.
Romans 8 talks about God’s great love for us that intercedes for us when we suffer (Romans 8:26, 34). Not only did He offer His Son for us, but He also freely gives us all things (8:32). He promises that no matter what happens to us, how often, how severe, how good, bad, or indifferent, nothing will separate us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:35).
God showed His love in one massive event, but His love didn’t start and stop there. God loves you every day and every minute, through every trial, tribulation, victory, or defeat. This is not some romantic gesture, nor is it mere words that people say with no intention of actually doing. God means it when He says He loves you. You know He means it because He sent His Son to die for you. You know He means it because He is faithful to keep all His promises to His people.
God is love (1 John 4:8). If we love God, we don’t just love Him in word, we don’t just say sweet nothings; we show His love to those around us. Christian love is based on Christ’s love. It’s real, genuine, and faithful. “Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:8).
Love is a real thing, not just a sentiment to be whispered once a year. Love gives, and it puts other’s needs ahead of your own. Love patiently endures and bears burdens. It’s a beautiful thing when genuinely acted on.
You can talk about walking your thousand miles and swimming oceans, that’s fine. I’ll be at home doing dishes.
Prayer Requests:
For a better knowledge of the height and depth of Christ’s love that surpasses knowledge! Ephesians 3:18-19
For faithfulness to love those we’ve committed ourselves to.
For a love that extends even to our enemies.
For opportunities to show the love of Christ and share His Gospel.