Please pray with us for one of our partners, a Christian elementary school which we cannot name for security reasons.
Background: One of AH’s ministry partners is a Christian elementary school with 250 students. It has been in operation for the past 60 years. Though licenses are not granted for new Christian schools, if space and finances allow, this school could add additional grade levels, and even open new branches in different communities. Many Muslim families like to enroll their children in a Christian school because of the love and excellent teaching their children receive there. Churches can then connect with parents through their children. Over the years, teachers have watched children be transformed from angry, fearful victims of war to bold young Christian leaders.
Prayer Requests:
- Healing of the minds and hearts of children, especially the refugee children who attend the Christian school. These children experienced the hardships of the war and have been profoundly impacted. Many struggle with depression and PTSD. Pray that focused attention and loving care will bring healing to mind and soul. Many have not attended school for several years; pray that they can catch up academically.
- That teachers’ love will open each child’s heart to God’s love for them. Pray that teachers will have time to give to individually care for each child and their needs. Most of all, pray that all of these boys and girls will come to love Jesus.
- Pray for guidance for the right timing to apply for a school license granting legal permission to teach the Bible. Schools are required by law to teach government-designated curriculum. Pray that this school may obtain a license which clearly allows them to teach the Bible without being required to teach other religious books. One school found a way to do that, and we are praying we can use their permission to open other branches.
Giving Opportunity: With about 5 million refugees, many living in harsh environments, hundreds of thousands of children are unable to attend school. This school could take additional children if they had sponsors. Scholarships are needed for 100 children in 2017. Will you pray that God will provide the funds so that all of these traumatized children can go to a Christian school? The cost to sponsor one child is just $300/year.
In the Designation box, please note that your gift is for “Ananias House Project 008.” Thank you!