Ananias House bridges the distance between believers in the West and the growing body of Christ in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) through prayer, Bible training, and physical and spiritual resources to build up God’s global family in an increasingly hostile world.

Global Prayer Team
Through the prayers of our Global Prayer Team, made up of our ministry partners across the world, we see the transforming love of God move among the suffering communities of the Middle East and North Africa. Start praying for the MENA region with our guided prayer book, and be emboldened in your faith today!
Bible Training

Pastor-Leader Training
Our annual Pastor-Leader Training taught by our ministry partners from the West — pastors and church leaders themselves — empowers native-born MENA pastors and church leaders with theological training, leadership development, and practical support. Our attendees go on to equip other men to teach and disciple, raising up new leaders who strengthen MENA churches.

Women's Leadership Training
Hosted twice a year, our Women’s Leadership Training taught by Dr. Barbara Neumann (MBTS, Ph.D.) and led by a team of faith-filled women from the West holistically develops selected MENA women to be godly, competent, and confident servants of the Church. Many women throughout the conflict-torn region are the sole providers for their families, so our women’s ministry focuses on discipleship, trauma healing, and leadership and economic skills.
Physical & Spiritual Resources

Physical Resources
So that churches in the MENA region are equipped to respond to their communities’ needs as the hands and feet of Christ, we provide, through the generosity of our partners, relief supplies such as food rations, medical assistance, heaters, and blankets. We also help locate buildings and provide equipment for churches to safely conduct worship services, serve the needy, disciple new believers, and come together as a family.

Spiritual Resources
So that the Gospel goes forth throughout the region, we locally print and distribute with our legal permit hundreds of thousands of copies of the Bible and other Christian books. We also support local evangelical schools to ensure MENA children are offered biblical teaching and discipled by godly men and women. One such school disciples children living in refugee camps, offering them hope amid their circumstance and protection from exploitation.